I discovered DIY body wraps last year. At the time I had just lost a lot of weight and was looking for something to help tighten my skin up and help with the sagging skin. I tried them out and it did work for a while.
I gained my weight back and then some. Now I have lost about 13 pounds and am needing to firm up again. So I decided to show you all how this works.
There are tons and tons of different recipes that you can try on the internet and Pinterest. But I have found that the most effective for me recipe is the simplest.
What you will need:
- Coconut Oil
- Plastic Wrap
- Scissors
- Ace Bandages
Yes, that is really all you will need. Now choose the part of your body you will apply this to. It is very tempting to decide to do your whole body but this is not wise. The main point is to make the part of the body that you apply this to sweat. So you will be building up heat. If you apply this to your whole body you many over heat yourself.

Today I decided to do my torso. Now you disrobe the part of the body. I first measured them for a "before". The widest part of my torso is about 3 or 4 inches below my belly button and it measured 44.25 inches. I also took before pictures.
Scoop out some of your coconut oil, which may look like butter at this point but the heat of your hands will turn it to oil. Slather is all over the part of the body you are applying it to. Do not rub it in. You will want a layer of it on the skin.

When you feel like you have a layer of oil on your skin then start wrapping. Take the Plastic wrap and wrap the area very snugly. Do not wrap it so tight that it cuts off circulation! Just nice and snug like a big hug. Wrap until you have about 6 or 7 layers of plastic wrap on that part and cut the plastic wrap.
Then take the ace bandages and wrap that area over the plastic wrap. Now I don't do this all the time. Today I just put on a warm, snug pair of sweat pants over top. The point is to heat up that area and make you sweat.
You can either attempt to sleep in this and leave it on over night or you can just leave it on for a few hours during the day. There's no way I could sleep like this so I choose to do it during the day. Now I would suggest doing something where you can be sitting down while you have it on. The reason being that the more you move around, the more the plastic wrap will move. It can slide around and no longer cover the area you were wanting to target. Maybe read a book or take a cat nap.
If you have dogs like mine, who LOVE to eat coconut oil, they will follow you around the house, trying to lick the ace bandages! Really, you would have thought I was carrying around a piece of steak in there!
Here's the biggest part: while wearing this drink TONS of water!! You do not want to dehydrate yourself!
After a few hours or until you just can't wear it anymore you can remove it. The best way I have found is to cut a straight line through all layers of the plastic and then you can just pull it off. Here's a helpful tip: remove it in the bathroom because you will want to jump straight in the shower. You will feel sweaty and greasy. The good thing is that coconut oil is good for your skin so it should be nice and soft afterwards.
Then measure the area again making sure to measure in the same spot as before. If you don't lose much or anything, don't lose hope. Just try it again in 2 days.

I measured my torso in the same spot and I am now down to 43 inches! 1 and a quarter inches loss of the extra flabby skin is fabulous! And I only left it on for 4 hours! Here are my after pictures!
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