Monday, April 24, 2017


This is my first born furbaby. His name is Wally, short for Sir William Wallace. He is a mutt that is beagle, jack russell and chow mixed. He has truly been one of my best decisions I have ever made. 

This is a picture of Wally when I very first got him. Wally found me in 2006, when I first moved into my own apartment. He was running loose in my apartment complex and they found him at the office. My boyfriend at the time picked him up and met me at work with him. It was love at first site and we have been together ever since. He has been with me through abusive relationships, becoming a mom, a divorce and every other good or bad time in my life. He has stuck with me through every laugh and every tear.

He has a very big personality for such a small dog. Everyone who meets Wally falls in love with him, even if they don't like dogs. He is high spirited without being obnoxious. He is gentle with small kids. He will invite himself into anyone's lap and is always ready to snuggle. He is the best sleep cuddle buddy ever!

He has been super protective over his baby sister since the day she was born. He was never jealous of her, it's like he just knew that she was here for him to watch over. Still to this day if she is sick or not feeling well he is right there with her.

Not all small dogs can handle the energy and personality of a young husky being introduced into the household. But Wally and Lucy became best friends and partners in crime very easily. Sometimes I think that they should be on greeting cards together!

He has some serious patience too! He has dealt with some wardrobe modeling as well! Plus in the the winter he has to have a hoodie on 'cause small dogs get cold too!

Even now, 11 years later, his hearing is going and he sometimes can't make the jump to the bed but that big personality is still very much intact. His muzzle and face is mostly gray but if you ask him, he is still all puppy! He still wags that tail just as fast when you say "Wanna go bye bye?" The vets still guess him at being 8-9 years old and are shocked when I say he is 12. They say Wally is going to be around for a long time.

Some non dog people will never understand it, but I love this dog as much as I love my own daughter. He is a part of this family and will always be. He is my side kick and my spirit animal. He is my migraine support buddy. We love you Wally and look forward to many more years with you!

If you have a furbaby on your life, please comment about them below! If you enjoyed this blog  please do me a favor and subscribe to e-mail notifications for when I release new blogs! You can do that from the link on the right hand side of the page. Thanks and have a beautiful day!

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